här kommer en recension på engelska för omväxlings skull.

I got to confess, when i started watching this film my expectations where low. Written by the duo behind the SAW sequels 4-6, Patrick melton and Marcus Dunstan, with the latter making his directorial debut, its no wonder i had doubts of it being as good as it was.The SAW series just became dumber and dumber and "The tourture porn" genre that started with SAW and Hostel,was quickly getting redunant. i mean, movies with torture as the selling point isn’t exactly the promise of a good horror story. Atmosphere,thrills and suspense drives the horror genre and all to often i end up seeing an either stupid, childish "they class it horror because it´s vampires in it" or an ultra bloody "we have no script so lets just throw in some random gore and violence" kind of movies.Dont get me wrong, i think horror should be no holds barred, bloody fun, but one and a half hour of tourture isn’t. it´s boring, if your not easily shocked or has an insatiable bloodlust. luckily THE COLLECTOR was a different little beast than i first tought.
Arkin, the main character, is a criminal on a mission to steal a diamond from a big house in the outskirts of the city. His wife Lisa owes money to loan sharks and plans to run away with their daughter for safety, but arkin promises to take care of the debt. Break into the house, steal the diamond and repay the loan sharks before midnight. A quick and easy job he thinks, but it so happens another more dangerous criminal has targeted the house where the diamond is stored, a killer with a love for trapping his victims in their own houses and setting up deadly traps for them. A cat and mouse game begins, with Arkin trying to save the residents,steal the diamond and get out alive before midnight.
as you can see on the synopsis,it wont win any points for originality.the "trap killer" has been done before, most recently in the writers SAW movies, but wheres SAW was a gorier SE7EN, THE COLLECTOR is a gorier HOME ALONE. What it lacks in originality it makes up for in execution,Its shock full of suspense, a real nailbiter from beginning to end.The fact that the killer does´t know arkin is in the house and arkin trying to let it stay that way, makes for some setpieces where you hold your breath to see if he can maintain himself in the shadows. Arkin (played by actor josh stewart) is also a very likeable protagonist. You know he isn´t a bad guy, his motivation to steal the diamond is to save his family and he even tries to save the family that the killer is playing with.refreshing is also the way arkin handles his predicament.because he is a thief, he keeps a calm and cool. He is used to stealth and to keep his nerves at bay. In other words not the typical,hysterical horror movie character.
The killer is intresting, our antagonist has his nickname (Collector) because he always kidnaps the last living person from his games, puts them in a big, red trunk and uses them for baint in the next house he invades. The audience never get any explanation why he does what he does exept of maybe perverse enjoyment and his face is covered by a leather mask, making him look like a reject from a BDSM porno. There are some symbolical images of spiders when the killer is around, maybe to draw some likeness, to the fact that they both trap their victims altough the killer in his own web of terror. one of the traps even looks like a web, but with razorsharp wire thats almost invisible to the eye (dont want to get caught in that one!).
There is some good gore, altough nothing too upsetting with todays standard.A scene with an open wound and a jar full of cockroaches was quite unpleasant in a wince worthy way, but most of the time THE COLLECTOR is about good old fashioned suspense. I saw the movie with a girlfriend and she got all stressed out by the more thrilling scenes, it looked like she sat on nails ready to go trough the roof with the next jump scare.
I recommend this movie highly, maybe im too kind but i really had no idea it would turn out as good as it did. it got all the right ingredients and its well made with a budget, probably not that high.The unknown actors makes the experience feel more true and Dunstan as director shows confidence.
I´m really hoping for a sequel in the near future.
4 of 5
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